
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Virtual Event Platforms in 2024

By Drew Moffitt

The landscape of events has changed dramatically, and choosing the right virtual event platform can make or break your online gathering. In this guide, we will explore the world of virtual event platforms, diving into their features, benefits, and how they can help you create a successful virtual event that exceeds expectations.

Key takeaways

  • Understand virtual event platforms to select the right solution for successful events.
  • Evaluate your needs and research key features when selecting a platform.
  • Leverage engagement tools, maximize reach & accessibility, plan ahead, and integrate with other tools to ensure success.

Understanding virtual event platforms


The shift towards online events has given rise to a new category of digital tools: virtual event platforms. These platforms, also known as online event platform, are designed to help organizations host virtual events, such as conferences, webinars, and networking sessions, offering features such as live streaming, chat, and analytics. As you plan your next virtual event, remember that the role virtual event platforms play in hosting successful virtual events cannot be overstated, as they provide the foundation for creating immersive and interactive experiences for attendees. When considering other virtual event platforms, it’s essential to find the one that best suits your needs and goals.

As the virtual event software category continues to grow, there are now many options available to cater to different event types and requirements. From virtual conference platforms to virtual training solutions, these platforms empower users to attend online events without the logistical challenges of in-person gatherings. Branded events are also made possible, allowing organizations to create a consistent and professional image for their digital event.

Grasping the function and features of diverse virtual event platforms is the key to choosing the most suitable solution for your unique needs. By choosing the right platform, you can create a seamless and engaging experience for your attendees, ultimately contributing to the success of your virtual event.

Evaluating your event needs


The first step in finding the best virtual event platform for your organization is to assess your event’s objectives, audience, and desired outcomes. By doing so, you can narrow down the many virtual event platforms available and focus on the ones that align with your requirements. Event planners need to consider factors such as scalability, customization, and ease of use when evaluating their options. For instance, a platform that can handle large events and offers extensive customization options may be more suitable for a global conference, while a more user-friendly platform with built-in engagement features might be better for smaller, interactive sessions.

Budgetary constraints are another important aspect to consider when selecting a virtual event platform. It’s crucial to establish a budget based on your requirements, the prominence of the event, and the kind of on-demand assistance needed, as well as the potential cost savings compared to in-person events. By evaluating your needs and budget, you can identify the ideal platform that offers the best value for your investment.

Before you start comparing various virtual event platforms, compile a list of the necessities and key features for your audience. This will help you focus on the platforms that can best meet your needs and contribute to the success of your event. You can also consult virtual event platform comparison charts and read user reviews on websites such as G2, Capterra, or TrustRadius to gain insights from other event organizers.

Once you’ve compiled your list and researched your options, you should consider trying out demos and requesting proposals from your top vendors. This will allow you to experience the platform’s features firsthand and make an informed decision based on your specific needs and goals.

Key features to look for in a virtual event platform


A multitude of key features should be taken into account when assessing virtual event platforms, as they can significantly enhance the success of your event. One of the most important aspects is audio and video quality, as clear and reliable communication is essential for any virtual event. Ensure that the platform you choose offers high-quality audio and video capabilities to deliver a seamless experience for your attendees.

Audience engagement tools are another crucial feature to look for in a virtual event platform. Some examples include:

By providing ample opportunities for interaction, your virtual event is more likely to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Accessibility is a key factor in maximizing the reach and success of your virtual event. Ensure that the platform you choose supports multiple devices, such as:

  • Desktop computers
  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Smartphones

This way, event attendees can easily access your event from their preferred device. Additionally, a user-friendly interface is important for making the event experience enjoyable and engaging for all participants.

Security and privacy should not be overlooked when selecting a virtual event platform. Protecting your attendees’ personal information and ensuring a secure environment for your event is essential to maintain trust and credibility. Look for platforms with robust security measures in place and a commitment to protecting user data.

Customization options are another important consideration when evaluating virtual event platforms. The ability to personalize your event with branding, landing pages, and virtual business cards can create a more professional and cohesive experience for attendees. This not only enhances the overall appearance of your event but also helps reinforce your organization’s identity and build brand awareness.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of technical support and analytics capabilities. A platform with reliable technical support can help ensure smooth event execution and quickly address any issues that may arise. Meanwhile, robust analytics and reporting tools can provide valuable insights into attendee behavior, engagement, and event performance, helping you refine and improve future events.

Top virtual event platforms for different event types


Given the plethora of virtual event platforms available, it’s vital to pinpoint the one that caters best to your particular event type and needs. In this guide, we will explore some of the best virtual event platforms for various event types, along with their unique features and benefits:

  1. Networking events: Platforms like Kumospace, SpotMe, vFairs, and Notified offer features such as virtual booths, interactive Q&A sessions, and gamification, making them ideal for creating engaging networking experiences.
  2. Conferences: For hosting virtual conferences, consider platforms like Livestorm, Webex Events, or ON24, which provide features like landing pages, registration, email follow-ups, polls, and file sharing.
  3. Team meetings: Kumospace, Zoom Webinars, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet are popular choices for virtual team meetings, offering seamless video conferencing, screen sharing, and breakout rooms for group discussions.
  4. Sales and marketing events: Platforms like Accelevents and GoToWebinar excel in hosting ticketed virtual summits and product launches, with capabilities for event promotion and attendee engagement.
  5. Job fairs: Kumospace and is a highly recommended platform for hosting virtual job fairs, providing a user-friendly interface and features tailored to the unique needs of career fairs.

By exploring these options and considering their unique features, you can find the best virtual event platform for your specific event type and needs.

Kumospace: an innovative approach to virtual interaction

In the panorama of virtual event platforms, Kumospace emerges as a unique player by enhancing the interactivity and spontaneity often missed in digital gatherings. Its signature spatial video chat functionality sets it apart by enabling participants to navigate through a virtual space, initiating organic, proximity-based conversations, much like in a physical setting. Attendees move their video avatars around diverse environments, facilitating serendipitous interactions and mimicking the fluidity of in-person events. 

The platform provides various customizable virtual environments, suitable for everything from relaxed networking to formal conferencing, ensuring that the ambiance always aligns with the event's tone and purpose. The intuitive user interface ensures easy navigation, allowing attendees from varied technological proficiencies to engage and interact, making Kumospace a noteworthy consideration for hosting immersive and interactive virtual events.

Enhancing attendee experience with engagement tools


Engagement plays a pivotal role in any successful virtual event, keeping attendees intrigued and enhancing their overall experience. Utilizing engagement tools within your chosen virtual event platform can greatly enhance attendee satisfaction and contribute to the success of your event.

Live chats, for instance, allow attendees to communicate with event hosts and other participants in real-time. This can foster a sense of community and connection among attendees, making them more likely to stay engaged and participate in the event.

Q&A sessions and polls provide opportunities for attendees to actively participate in your event by asking questions, sharing opinions, and providing feedback. These interactive elements not only keep attendees engaged but also help you gather valuable insights into their interests and preferences, which can be used to improve future events.

Interactive workshops and breakout sessions can also be used to create more engaging and personalized experiences for attendees. These sessions allow participants to dive deeper into specific topics or engage in group networking, providing additional value and fostering stronger connections among attendees.

By incorporating these engagement tools into your virtual event, you can help ensure a positive and memorable experience for your attendees.

Maximizing event reach and accessibility


To broaden the reach and accessibility of your virtual event, it’s vital to opt for a platform that ensures widespread compatibility across diverse devices and platforms. A virtual event platform that supports desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones ensures that attendees can access your event from their preferred device, increasing the likelihood of their participation.

Seamless integration with social media platforms can also help increase the reach of your event. By leveraging social media promotion and allowing attendees to easily share event content, you can expand your audience and generate greater interest in your event. A user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features are key to ensuring a positive experience for attendees. A platform that is intuitive and accessible to users of all levels of technological proficiency will help reduce potential barriers to entry and encourage more people to attend your event.

By focusing on these factors when choosing your virtual event platform, you can maximize the reach and accessibility of your event, ultimately contributing to its overall success.

Tips for a successful virtual event

A successful virtual event necessitates meticulous planning, execution, and oversight. Below are some practical suggestions to help make your upcoming virtual event a triumph:

  1. Plan ahead: Start the planning process well in advance to give yourself ample time for preparation and promotion. This will help you avoid last-minute complications and ensure that you have all the necessary elements in place for a successful event.
  2. Test the platform: Prior to your event, perform comprehensive testing of your audio, video, and internet connection. This will help you identify and address any technical issues before the event, ensuring a smooth experience for your attendees.
  3. Promote effectively: Utilize various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and online advertisements to effectively promote your event and reach a wider audience.
  4. Monitor attendee engagement: Keep an eye on attendee engagement throughout the event, using engagement tools like live chats, Q&A sessions, and polls to encourage participation and maintain interest. This will help you gauge the success of your event and identify areas for improvement in future events.
  5. Gather feedback: After your event, collect feedback from attendees to gain insights into their experience and identify areas for improvement. This valuable information can be used to refine your virtual event strategy and ensure the success of future events.

By following these tips and incorporating the lessons learned from past events, you can continually improve your virtual event strategy and host successful events that exceed expectations.

Case studies: virtual event success stories


Gleaning from prosperous virtual event case studies can offer invaluable insights on the utilization of various platforms to accomplish event targets, captivate audiences, and stimulate business outcomes. By examining these case studies, you can gain a better understanding of the strategies, features, and tools that have contributed to the success of other organizations’ virtual events.

For example, many companies have successfully transitioned from in-person to online events by leveraging virtual event platforms to provide engaging experiences for their audiences. These platforms offer features like virtual booths, interactive Q&A sessions, and gamification, which help create immersive experiences and drive attendee engagement.

In addition, brands have used virtual event platforms to create unique online experiences, such as virtual product launches and immersive virtual worlds. By taking advantage of the customization options and interactive features offered by these platforms, organizations can create memorable events that drive brand awareness and generate business results.

By studying these success stories and incorporating the lessons learned into your own virtual event strategy, you can better understand how to leverage virtual event platforms to achieve your event goals, engage your audience, and drive business results.

Integrating virtual event platforms with other tools


Merging your selected virtual event management platform with other tools can smooth out event planning, promotion, and execution, thus leading to a more triumphant event. For example, integrating your virtual event platform with project management software like Asana can help you keep track of tasks, deadlines, and resources, ensuring that all aspects of your event are organized and well-managed.

Automation tools can also be integrated with virtual event platforms to simplify various aspects of event promotion and management. Platforms like Zapier can automate social media posting, send emails to registrants, and engage high-intent leads, saving you time and effort while maximizing the reach of your event.

Lastly, integrating your virtual event platform with social media platforms can help you reach a wider audience and promote your event more effectively. By enabling attendees to easily share event content and engage with your event on social media, you can increase event awareness and attract more participants.

By integrating your virtual event platform with these and other tools, you can streamline the event planning process, improve event promotion, and ensure a more successful virtual event.


In conclusion, selecting the right virtual event platform is essential for hosting successful online events. By understanding the features and benefits of various platforms, evaluating your event needs, and utilizing engagement tools and integrations, you can create engaging and memorable virtual events that achieve your goals and leave a lasting impression on your audience. With the right virtual event platform as your foundation, the possibilities for your next event are virtually limitless.


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Headshot for Drew Moffitt
Drew Moffitt

Drew leads marketing at Kumospace. Prior to joining Kumospace, he spent his career founding and operating businesses. His work has been featured in over 50 publications. Outside of work, Drew is an avid skier and sailor. A wholehearted extrovert, he organizes VentureSails, a series of networking events for founders and tech investors.

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